Thursday, January 31, 2013

30: ABC News Article: Exposure Therapy Rescues Woman with Emetophobia

A really great article from ABC news in 2011 about a woman cured of her emetophobia with exposure therapy:


  1. Hi there!,

    I wasn't sure if there was a way to e-mail you, but I wanted to make sure to leave you a comment to let you know just how much I appreciate your blog.

    I am a therapist who currently has a client who struggles with emetophobia. Someone passed your blog along to me and it has been an invaluable resource.

    I really appreciate your humility and willingness to share your story from a mother's perspective with the world. I even went so far as to type up a Word document of all of the things that I learned from your blog that I plan to use as I work with my clients who struggle with various anxiety-related issues.

    Your daughter's story really tugged at my heart strings and I am so proud of your family for coming alongside her to help her to overcome this crippling phobia. She is so blessed to have you as a mom! It's easy to see from your posts just how much you love and adore her and it makes me so happy to see a mother who loves her daughter so sacrificially.

    Thank you so much, again, for sharing your story!

    -Kelley, Therapist in Texas

    1. Thank you for your comment Kelley. It means so much to me to be able to share our story and help others.
